Get Full Version of SpotiKeep Converter
Step 1. Download SpotiKeep Converter
First of all, please download SpotiKeep Converter to your computer. Spotify Music Converter can be your best downloader for Spotify songs and playlists on Windows and Mac computers.
Step 2. Enter License Code
After installing SpotiKeep Converter, you can start downloading Spotify songs and playlists to your computer. You will see a window pop up when opening the software. At the beginning, Spotify Music Converter will offer you a free trial. If you want to unlock the full version, enter your email address and license code to the blank sheet. Then, click "Activate" to get the registered version of Spotify Music Converter.

If you fail to activate the full version of software or have any problem on register software, please contact us. Our email: [email protected]
Full Guide on Using SpotiKeep Converter: